Asset Management

Blossom provides integrated asset management capabilities that allow you to automatically upload static assets to S3-compatible storage services during deployment.


The asset management system helps you:

  • Upload compiled assets to S3 storage during deployment
  • Support multiple S3-compatible providers (AWS S3, MinIO, etc.)
  • Configure custom paths and folders for asset organization
  • Handle common static files like images, CSS, JavaScript, and fonts

Asset Upload Process

During deployment, Blossom:

  1. Extracts assets from your application container
  2. Maintains the directory structure within the specified folder
  3. Automatically sets appropriate content types based on file extensions
  4. Uploads files to your configured S3 bucket

Example Paths

Under “Assets Upload” you can configure which paths you want to be uploaded to s3.

For Rails applications, typically configure:

public/assets  # Compiled assets
public/packs   # Webpack outputs

For Node applications, typically configure:

dist/assets    # Built assets
public/uploads # User uploads

For more information about setting up S3 providers, see the S3 Provider Configuration guide.