Debugging Caddy

Blossom uses Caddy as its load balancer and SSL certificate manager. When troubleshooting domain or SSL certificate issues, understanding how to debug Caddy can be helpful.

Enabling Debug Mode

To get more detailed logging from Caddy:

  1. Navigate to your cluster’s settings
  2. Find the “Caddy Debug Mode” section
  3. Enable the checkbox
  4. Click “Update Debug Settings”

When debug mode is enabled, Caddy will output more detailed logs about:

  • SSL certificate operations
  • Domain routing decisions
  • DNS validation processes
  • TLS handshakes
  • Request/response handling

Viewing Caddy Logs

You can view Caddy logs by going to the Cluster Caddy Logs:

  • Cluster Logs: For more detailed logs:
    • Go to your cluster’s dashboard
    • Click on “Caddy Logs” tab

Common Debug Scenarios

SSL Certificate Issues

  • Look for “tls” or “acme” in the logs
  • Certificate validation errors will show detailed error messages
  • DNS validation attempts are logged when debug mode is enabled

Routing Problems

  • Debug mode shows detailed routing decisions
  • Look for “handler” and “route” log entries
  • Request matching and proxy information is logged

DNS Validation

  • TXT record creation and deletion are logged
  • Look for “dns” related entries
  • Validation attempts and responses are recorded

Debug Mode Performance Impact

Note that enabling debug mode will:

  • Increase log verbosity significantly
  • Consume more disk space for logs
  • Slightly impact performance

It’s recommended to disable debug mode once you’ve resolved your issues.