Environment Variables

Environment variables allow you to configure your application without changing code. Blossom provides two types of environment variables:

Runtime vs Build Environment Variables

  • Runtime Variables: Available to your application during execution
  • Build Variables: Available during both build and runtime phases

Managing Environment Variables

  1. Navigate to your app’s Environment Variables page
  2. Add new variables using the “Add New Environment Variable” button
  3. Check the “Build” checkbox if the variable should be available during build
  4. Click “Save Changes” to apply

Build Environment Variables

Build variables are passed to your build process based on your build type:

  • Buildpack: Uses --env KEY=VALUE
  • Dockerfile: Uses --build-arg KEY=VALUE
  • Nixpacks: Uses --env KEY=VALUE

Linked Variables

Environment variables can also be automatically linked from services like databases. These are read-only and will be overridden by manually set environment variables with the same name.


  • Environment variable values are encrypted at rest
  • Values are hidden by default but can be revealed temporarily
  • Only users with app access can view or modify variables